Our Story

In November of 1944, Rev. Warren Allem of Albuquerque, New Mexico was called to become the first pastor, after the work had been moved to its new location at 1115 Maine Street. Sunday School was started at this time, with 46 present.
On December 31, 1945, The Gospel Center was organized as Calvary Baptist Church, at which time Rev. Raymond Hamilton was officially called as pastor. At that time, there were 38 charter members received.
In May of 1947, application was made for fellowship in the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches and the church was accepted into the fellowship at the Association meeting in Waterloo, Iowa.
On January 25, 1948, Rev. Howard Miller of Peoria, Illinois accepted the unanimous call to become the third pastor of the church. On May 16, 1948, the congregation voted unanimously to proceed in purchasing a building site at 19th and State Street.

The cornerstone for the Family Life Center was laid in 1980. On April 11, 1982, Rev. Richard Sumner became the sixth pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. August 31, 1983 marked the first day of Calvary Academy School. On July 17, 1988, Rev. L.D. Grant became the seventh pastor.
The 50th Anniversary for the church was held on April 14, 1996. Dr. Mark Jackson, Dr. Joseph Bower, and Rev. Richard Sumner spoke.
Calvary Academy School closed in the summer of 2001. Rev. L.D. Grant retired in October 2003.
On August 21, 2005, Rev. Mickey Farlow became our eighth pastor until May 2013.